
Baptism book

About two months ago, my daughter was baptised. We're LDS and our children get baptised when they turn 8 if they choose to. It's such a great time, and there are so many things that we want our children to be able to remember about this moment, but they're still pretty young. There's alot about my baptism that I don't remember, and I wanted to do whatever I could to help Halli remember hers.

My friend had a great idea to create a baptism book, that friends and family could sign, and where the kids could write down their own memories of the day. Such a wonderful idea, I was totally on board!

So, that's what I did, just made a cute little book for her to keep. I love a great personalized keepsake that is filled with love from everyone who is a part of your life! Hopefully she'll really appreciate it.:)

I've also left some spaces to add pictures from the big day so that everything is in one place for her.

I absolutely love reading what she wrote about how she felt that day! Love how kids think!


  1. What did you use to make your book? Shutterfly, Blurp, Costco? It is beautiful & a great idea.

  2. Wondering the same thing as The Thompson family, where were you able to create this? So cute! Much better than the "All About Me" book I got when I was little! :)

  3. Do you have a list of each page title? I love this idea and would love to do this for my son.
