
DIY cupcake stands

Sometimes, I think I may be a little over-the-top. We have an activity coming up at church, a birthday party, and I wanted it to be FUN! So, I decided that I should make some super cute cupcake stands. Like I know how to do that! But I decided to give it a go anyway.

For christmas my awesome parents got me a super cool bladerunner. It's a saw, and I was so excited! I hadn't pulled it out yet, and decided that this was as good a chance as any to figure out how to use it.

Turns out, circles are a little hard to cut out. I am nowhere near perfect, but they're in the general circle shape, so that should be good enough, right? Hey, I'm a novice, ya get what ya pay for!:)

After the circles are cut out, and you've made a trip to Lowes for the other wood pieces, (which were not cheap by the way, and considering I made two cupcake stands, it added up!), get to work spray painting. You'll also need to pick up some wood dollhouse shingles at hobby lobby and divide them up into however many colors you want.

Once everything's dry, get to work with the glue gun. I probably could have used something even more permanant, but I figured this way it would be easy to take apart if I want to change the colors later.

I did use gorilla glue for the middle pieces and the feet though, you want those to be nice and sturdy.

I was a little worried it would be too much color, and a little too festive, but I kinda love how they look!

I can't wait to see them all covered in cupcakes!


  1. that is super cute!! be sure to post pictures with the cupcakes! cant wait to see those!

  2. That is so adorable!!

  3. Seriously this is the CUTEST cupcake stand i've ever seen!! LOVE it! The colors you picked are amazing:)

  4. These are seriously so cute!! And isn't it the truth, it always adds up to more than you planned! I'd love for you to link up to Wow Me Wednesday!

